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Degrees Offered Get for Your Money Payment Requirements FAQ Application Form


YOU PAY NOTHING unless you decide to accept any degree award.

Our awards are open to everyone, there are no entry qualifications, no admission interviews, nor barriers whatsoever. We do however need your CV or resume in order to properly determine whether you should be admitted.

We allow credits for all previous studies, independent or correspondence course studies, seminars, workshops, language skills and any other learning process whether acquired in formal or informal settings. We will not contact any employer or educational establishment or tutor. Your CV or resume is an assessment instrument, entirely for our own internal purposes in order to determine whether your existing knowledge justifies our awarding of your degree.

The information from your application (CV and/or resume) is compared and measured by the advisory's proprietary process and other assessment tools to realistically determine whether your existing knowledge justifies the awarding of a degree. You will be submitting your CV or resume form in absolute confidence. 

Submit your CV or resume preferably through email or by fax and please clearly state what you would like to accomplish. We will assess your opportunities and advise you accordingly, at no charge to you.

Degree Eligibility or what we expect from you

Associate Degree

Required 60 credits (See explanations below what does it mean).
You will qualify for this Degree if you have one of the following:

1. 3 years work experience related to your major and appropriate life experience.


2. 2 years work experience related to your major and 30 college credits.

Bachelor Degree

Required 120 credits. Maximum 90 credits maybe earned from work or/and life experience. Combination of credits from previous college or college and formal study courses completed through employment or independently.

So, you will qualify if you have one of the following:

1. 4 years work experience related to your major and 30 college credits.


2. 2 years work experience related to your major and 60 college credits.


3. 2 years work experience related to your major, substancial life experience, and 30 college credits.

Master Degree

Required 60 credits. PLUS a bachelor degree is required !!!
So, you will qualify if you have one of the following:

1. 4 years work experience related to your major and a bachelor degree.


2. 2 years work experience related to your major, substancial life experience, and (PLUS!) a bachelor degree.

Master of Business Administration

Required 60 credits. A bachelor degree is not required for persons with extensive management experience.

You will qualify if you have one of the following:

1. 4 years business management experience and a bachelor degree.


2. 8 years business management experience with no less than 2 years at senior management level.

If you do not have you bachelor degree, we would suggest you complete a combined bachelor / master degree.


Required 38 credits. A master degree is a prerequisite for the doctorate degree.

1. 6 years experience in your field and a master degree.

Applicants with exceptional qualifications may apply for a combined master/doctorate

For our many overseas applicants, an academic program will have 30 credits per year. For example, a 30-credit program is a 1-year degree, a 60-credit program is a 2-year degree, a 90-credit program is a 3-year degree, a 120-credit program is a 4-year degree (bachelor), a 150-credit program is a 5-year degree. A year of university in your home country is valued at 30 credits.

Life experience is considered any experience you have that is relevant to your degree program. You might have obtained this experience from the military, hobbies, clubs and associations, travel, reading, studying, or anyway in which you learned what is relevant to your degree program. Please indicate your sources of such experience in your resume or CV.

Following are the minimum requirements needed to qualify for each degree. Please review them to ensure that your application will meet your degree requirement. This information will be very useful for better CV (resume) preparation and will save your time if you will understand chances of positive outcome for your application.

Please also be informed that your application will be acceptable if you got your credits SIMULTANEOUSLY from different sources (for example you were as alumni in school or college and in the same time had scientific (investigation etc.) work in CHILDREN ACADEMY FOR TALENT YOUTH or you has position in any Company together with your College or University study in your home or other country). Our program is very useful for creative, talent youth and adults.

If you qualify for a degree, a record of your documents, including degree, transcript, matriculation and confirmation letter, will be archived in a perpetual database for retrieval by anyone to whom you grant authority.

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