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Degrees Offered Get for Your Money Payment Requirements FAQ Application Form

This is What You Get for Your Money!

The one low fee for your degree includes all of the following items in your Graduation Package.


Printed on the best and highest quality parchment paper to the highest standards, it is easily comparable or better than the finest produced by any traditional university in the world. It is 11 x 14 inches.

STUDENT RECORD (Transcripts)

As a rule, upon graduation, the university issues the official academic record (the student record). This important document is proof of graduation and is based upon our assessment of your qualifications, showing all college level courses credited, all pertinent information, including research and other topics. Your transcripts are printed on quality-watermarked university stationary and have the official university seal.



A formal letter signed by the Dean of the university is issued verifying the conferring of your degree (your degree has been legally awarded) and the date of your graduation.


You will get a wallet sized Identification Card bearing the University logo and seal with your personal name, student number, degree awarded, major and year of graduation and confirming your status as a member of the alumni.

VERIFICATION OF DEGREE (Student record maintenance)

We will maintain your student record on file permanently. Any third party such as an employer who requires verification of your degree will be sent a certified copy of your transcripts. (We only provide copies of transcripts to those that you will authorize). Exist a small administrative fee (see below) for each certified copy sent.

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