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Degrees Offered Get for Your Money Payment Requirements FAQ Application Form


Q.1. Is this a diploma mill?
Q.2. What percentage of applicants actually gain a college degree from assessing their prior learning and academic background from their application?
Q.3. Is a University from PUSIUC accredited?
Q.4. How long does it take to qualify for a degree from PUSIUC?
Q.5. Are PUSIUC accredited by any of the U.S. regional accrediting agencies that are approved by the U.S. Department of Education, for the purpose of offering federal grants or loans?
Q.6. If I earn a degree through Prior Learning Assessment of knowledge gained from work and life experiences, can my boss verify my degree and the date that I received it?
Q.7. If I am lucky enough to qualify for a degree through Prior Learning Assessment, how do I justify the degree to my employer or others?
Q.8. There are other colleges and universities in the world with the same words in their name. Are you associated with any of these other institutions?
Q.9. Where is your campus?
Q.10. Can I acquire the Medical Doctorate through your program?
Q.11. Not even with tons of medical experience?
Q.12. Do PUSIUC transcripts differ from transcripts issued by other schools?
Q.13. What is the exact portfolio assessment and conversion methodology used by PUSIUC?
Q.14. Can I purchase PUSIUC college rings?
Q.15. I don't see your phone number listed
Q.16. What are PUSIUC degrees and transcripts like?
Q.17. How many signed/sealed graded transcripts will I receive, and who else will get to see them?
Q.18. Does this mean that no additional transcripts will be available to my future employers and enquirers!?
Q.19. Are you associated with any religious organization? Do you claim any association with a 'church'?
Q.20. Will University of PUSIUC ever make phone calls to my home or office, or to my employer's?
Q.21. In which format should I submit my CV/resume for assessment?
Q.22. I sent in my resume, and never received the results of my assessment.
Q.23. What guarantees do I have that you will verify my degree?
Q.24. Can my colleagues and enquirers take online courses if they wish?
Q.25. How does the degree program actually work?
Q.26. How do you make application?
Q.27. Is the application free?
Q.28. How much does the degree cost?
Q.29. Who is Sierra Business Corporation?
Q.30. What does Sierra Business Corporation do?
Q.31. Who is Glob Star Club?
Q.32. What does Glob Star Club do?
Q.33. Is this a legal degree?
Q.34. What can I use my degree for?
Q.35. How long will it take to get my degree?
Q.36. Can you speed up the assessment and/or graduation process?
Q.37. What does the diploma look like?
Q.38. If I get a bachelor degree can I get into a graduate school?
Q.39. I think I would qualify for two degrees?
Q.40. I don't see my major listed on the degrees available?
Q.41. What location is stated on the degree?
Q.42. Do I get transcripts?
Q.43. What graduation date will be on my degree?
Q.44. Can I get into trouble with this degree?
Q.45. Can I contact PUSIUC or their University directly?
Q.46. Is the degree verifiable?
Q.47. What is the graduation package?
Q.48. Can I get a replacement degree if it is damaged?
Q.49. Can I get a brochure mailed to my home address?
Q.50. How can I phone you?
Q.51. What countries can you ship to?
Q.52. How do you ship?
Q.53. Is this a good way to get a degree?
Q.54. There are other schools with similar programs that say they are accredited?
Q.55. What guarantee do I have that my degree will be accepted?
Q.56. Is a knowledge of English language necessary for obtain diploma of University located in English speaking country with education process in English language?
Q.57. I have a question not answered here?
Q.58. Can I enroll now?

Q.1. Is this a diploma mill?
A. While the definition of a diploma mill is somewhat confusing it usually refers to the printing of a degree without legal authority for the payment of a fee. PUSIUC is not a diploma mill because it has legal authority to issue degrees, does not grant degrees for the payment of a fee, and has set out the requirements necessary to qualify for their degree.


Q.2. What percentage of applicants actually gain a college degree from assessing their prior learning and academic background from their application?
A. Less than five percent.


Q.3. Is a University from PUSIUC accredited?
A. This is not a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no. PUSIUC is accredited by a private international accreditation organization that concerns itself more with ethical standards and acceptance of degrees. However, if the question is if a University from PUSIUC is accredited by any association recognized by the Department of Education in the US, the answer is no. PUSIUC has not applied for any such accreditation since it has no need to seek Federal Government funding. PUSIUC also would not qualify for such accreditation due to its non-traditional and non-resident international status.


Q.4. How long does it take to qualify for a degree from PUSIUC?
A. If the college credit earned is from Prior Learning Assessment, it can take as little as two days, depending upon the quality of the application and cooperation of the applicant in gathering documentation requested.


Q.5. Are PUSIUC accredited by any of the U.S. regional accrediting agencies that are approved by the U.S. Department of Education, for the purpose of offering federal grants or loans?
A. We offer an educational process, not a place. Our alumni are in all regions of the world, and at last count, residing in over 60 nations. ALL of our services are conducted via electronic delivery means, with NO RESIDENCY requirements. This is the reason we can do what we do for such small fees.

The idea of centralized government control over higher education in the United States was rejected in favor of a system of voluntary regional accreditation organizations. Membership in any one of the several U.S. regional accrediting associations is strictly voluntary. These regional accrediting associations are privately owned and operated and are NOT owned or operated by the U.S. Government or the U.S. Department of Education.

At this time, NONE of the recognized regional accrediting organizations accept as members institutions that are not dedicated to traditional education that requires residency and classroom attendance. Therefore, even if we desire to apply for such accreditation, we could not be considered because we are dedicated exclusively to telematic communications.

However, our programs are accredited by other an internationally recognized distance learning accrediting authority.


Q.6. If I earn a degree through Prior Learning Assessment of knowledge gained from work and life experiences, can my boss verify my degree and the date that I received it?
A. Yes. Anyone authorized by you in writing, may confirm the degree awarded and the date. All requests must be in writing, in order to protect your privacy.


Q.7. If I am lucky enough to qualify for a degree through Prior Learning Assessment, how do I justify the degree to my employer or others?
We do not award college credit for experience and this must be made clear. Professional educators worldwide agree that 'life experience' in and of itself is not worthy of college credit. Whatever you do, you must understand this, so that you can explain it to others. What Prior Learning Assessment is concerned with is learning, regardless of how it was obtained. We assess the information furnished and gathered, to determine the level of your skills, knowledge and competence that you acquired from your work experience, your voluntary activities, your avocation, your military service, your homemaking experience and knowledge from independent study. In brief, we analyze your "experiential learning" and this term describes legitimately most of the learning that occurs in our lives.


Q.8. There are other colleges and universities in the world with the same words in their name. Are you associated with any of these other institutions?
Absolutely not. We routinely receive Emails from persons in different parts of the world asking us if we are associated with anyone and the answer is emphatically no. Our associates are listed on the "Contact Us" section of our website.


Q.9. Where is your campus?
Our assessors will handle your application from their office, not from a campus. We do not conduct classes and consequently do not require a campus-like infrastructure. This is what makes our assessment program affordable to our students.


Q.10. Can I acquire the Medical Doctorate through your program?
No. Nearly every degree in every major is available from our program, but not the Medical Doctorate.


Q.11. Not even with tons of medical experience?
No. We will not award any kind of degree in Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Veterinary Medicine etc. It is our conviction that medical disciplines involving the physical treatment of humans or animals cannot be assessed from a distance, and that no distance learning facility on earth should ever be empowered to award such degrees.


Q.12. Do PUSIUC transcripts differ from transcripts issued by other schools?
Your sealed and embossed transcripts reflect our generic conversion of your existing competencies to all traditionally required + a number of elective courses in your major. All courses show letter grades, percentages, credits and a conclusive GPA of no less than 3.4. These are not necessarily the courses which you have taken during your prior studies, but they are the traditional university courses in your major.


Q.13. What is the exact portfolio assessment and conversion methodology used by PUSIUC?
Our assessor starts from an existing (traditional) distance learning transcript, compiled by himself for an adult distance learning student who was under the assessor's control during the time of his studies and whose transcript now serves as a 'model' for comparison. The PUSIUC assessor then makes a general assessment of your knowledgeability, as demonstrated in your verifiable resume (the synopsis of your portfolio). He decides whether or not the model student's courses and grade structure are comparable to your own general knowledgeability. If they are, PUSIUC awards the model student's transcript to you obviously without any mention of the initial student's identity. In other words, our assessor's overall evaluation is converted to generic transcripts originally compiled for traditional adult distance learning students. Our methodology implies that your transcripts will show generic curricula and generic grades. Your transcript may, consequently, contain courses in your major which you did not actually take. The model student took these classes. Your overall knowledgeability is declared equivalent to his, and the entire model student's transcript will be awarded in your name as a result of your academic equivalency determined by the assessor.

We do not allow our students to have their own list of "preferred" or "must have" courses and grades pasted into our institution's transcripts.


Q.14. Can I purchase PUSIUC college rings?
Yes, but we suggest you order them directly from our preferred supplier in order to save on the purchase price.


Q.15. I don't see your phone number listed
PUSIUC has several telephone numbers. They are for internal administration and so are unlisted and they are not publicised. As a global citizen, it is impossible for our institution to have telephone operators available 24 hours a day answering questions from enquirers living in many different time zones around the world. This is why we request you to only contact us by e-mail, fax or letter.


Q.16. What are PUSIUC degrees and transcripts like?
Both the diplomas and the transcripts adhere strictly to ISO standards as laid down by the International Standards Organization. We do not distribute 'samples' of the institution's credentials to our enquirers.


Q.17. How many signed/sealed graded transcripts will I receive, and who else will get to see them?
Two original transcripts are included in your graduation package. Anyone you authorize may verify them from us with a request in writing. We do not, however, distribute extra copies of your confidential records to anyone.


Q.18. Does this mean that no additional transcripts will be available to my future employers and enquirers!?
No. No. Once you have received your transcripts, you can scan and upload them here or send a copy by mail to the Official Transcript Archive Center in Washington DC. This fully automated archive service will, for a small fee, forward your sealed or unsealed PUSIUC transcripts by mail or fax to anyone who will ever require them. Yet we strongly recommend our graduates to NEVER give away original transcripts to third party enquirers. Enquirers requesting original transcripts should be presented a notarized certified copy of your original transcripts instead. You can create these extra 'originals' by simply copying your PUSIUC transcripts and having your copies certified to their authenticity by any Public Notary.


Q.19. Are you associated with any religious organization? Do you claim any association with a 'church'?
No. We are a privately owned for profit corporation.


Q.20. Will University of PUSIUC ever make phone calls to my home or office, or to my employer's?
No. Our policy is to put everything in writing only, and to consult our graduates by fax or e-mail when third parties send us their verification requests.


Q.21. In which format should I submit my CV/resume for assessment?
You can either include your resume directly upon enrollment, or send it to PUSIUC by e-mail or fax. We do NOT open e-mail attachments other than Microsoft Doc and Acrobat Pdf. Our assessment of your resume is free of charge.


Q.22. I sent in my resume, and never received the results of my assessment.
This may indicate that we received your resume in a wrong format or that you did not specify which degree/major you are seeking. Logically we cannot pass your resume to our appropriate assessor in such case.


Q.23. What guarantees do I have that you will verify my degree?
Verification is the most important question addressed by our applicants. Since we provide a sealed Letter of Recommendation on our letterhead with our U.S. contact numbers and addresses to the student, usually turning over a copy of that letter is sufficient: we never hear from the third party for verification. In addition, the student has a complete transcript. If however we are contacted, as long as the contact is authorized by the student and in writing, we will verify by e-mail, within 48 hours of receipt of that request via e-mail, fax or regular postal mail. Every request for verification, whether sent in by fax, postal mail or e-mail, should contain a valid and verifiable e-mail address for PUSIUC to reply to. Your degree, major and graduation date are already verifiable from us on the very day of your enrollment. 'Dates of attendance', obviously, are not since our program has no residency requirements.


Q.24. Can my colleagues and enquirers take online courses if they wish?
Yes. Please click here for details.


Q.25. How does the degree program actually work?
The degree program has been specifically developed by PUSIUC to provide a legal way for people to gain their academic qualifications by using their previous experience and accomplishment. The minimum requirements needed to qualify for a degree are provided in the "degree requirements" section. Applicants who believe they qualify for a degree complete an online application for a free evaluation. Once their application is approved, an applicant can then decide to proceed by paying the appropriate fees. After the fees are paid, the diploma and documents are prepared. The whole process can be completed within 30-45 days for approved applicants.


Q.26. How do you make application?
Application must be made using the application form. Please follow instructions inside application form.


Q.27. Is the application free?
Your application and evaluation is free! There is no charge for any service unless you place an order for your documents.


Q.28. How much does the degree cost?
Please refer to fees web page.


Q.29. Who is Sierra Business Corporation?
. Sierra Business Corporation (SBC) is a Corporation registered in accordance with law in 1997.


Q.30. What does Sierra Business Corporation do?
Sierra Business Corporation operates the portfolio assessment degree program for PUSIUC. They are authorized to evaluate an applicant's application, accept payment, complete all documents, and ship those documents.


Q.31. Who is Glob Star Club?
Glob Star Club is Polish limited liability company registered in accordance with Polish law in 1988.


Q.32. What does Glob Star Club do?
Glob Star Club only is making promotion of PUSIUC into international market.


Q.33. Is this a legal degree?
PUSIUC is licensed and registered to issue degrees for distance learning and portfolio assessment. This is a legal degree. You may include it on your resume, business card, letterhead, passport, web site, job application, or any other official document you fill out.


Q.34. What can I use my degree for?
Some people want the degree to assist them in getting a better job. You might have the experience and the knowledge to do the job but often times they will pick the person with the degree over the person without it. Getting your degree will level up the playing field and improve your prospects considerably.

Of course, there are those who aren't concerned about employment prospects. They might be self employed, retired, or even happy being at their current employment level. But they want the personal satisfaction of knowing that their knowledge can be transferred to a degree. They want to hang their diploma on the wall and feel proud at their accomplishment.


Q.35. How long will it take to get my degree?
In most cases the whole process can be completed within 30-45 days.


Q.36. Can you speed up the assessment and/or graduation process?
No. We already offer the fastest legitimate graduation program as it is.


Q.37. What does the diploma look like?
The diploma is professionally produced and of very high quality. It is printed on a fine quality parchment paper and bears the seal of University. The diploma is of the same (or better) quality and style that you would find at most traditional universities. The diploma does not indicate how the degree was earned.


Q.38. If I get a bachelor degree can I get into a graduate school?
Our program is not for those who are still continuing their education. This program is targeted at those who have achieved the requirements to earn their degree and want that validation of their accomplishment. If your desire is to attend a traditional graduate school you should first check with them to see if an PUSIUC under graduate degree is accepted.


Q.39. I think I would qualify for two degrees?
Accomplished individuals might qualify for two degrees. This could be a bachelor/master or master/doctorate. If you wish to apply for a combination degree please note that on your application. It is actually two separate degrees and two separate evaluations will need to be done.


Q.40. I don't see my major listed on the degrees available?
You may apply for any major by making note of it on the application form. If that major cannot be approved an alternative might be suggested.


Q.41. What location is stated on the degree?
No location is stated on the degree. Not being a State College we don't have any requirement to show a location.


Q.42. Do I get transcripts?
Yes, transcripts are included with your graduation package. The transcripts will show a full course of study to meet the requirements of your degree.


Q.43. What graduation date will be on my degree?
You can have any graduation date you want as long as your application can verify that you achieved the minimum requirements for that degree on or before that date.


Q.44. Can I get into trouble with this degree?
Your degree is legal. How you choose to use it might not be. If you misrepresent how your degree was earned, it could land you in hot water. For this reason we tell people that they should always be truthful about how their degree was earned. Be proud that you were able to earn it by an independent evaluation process. You worked for this degree no less than someone who sat in a classroom. In many cases you degree represents years and years of work, knowledge, and accomplishment.


Q.45. Can I contact PUSIUC or their University directly?
During the evaluation and document preparation stage your contact will be SBC. After your degree has been issued, you are considered alumni and may contact University directly.


Q.46. Is the degree verifiable?
Yes your degree is verifiable. You may have certified copies of your transcript sent to anyone you authorize. Your degree can also be verified online through your own confidential login. You can give your login username and password to an employer or other interested party for instant verification access through the University site.


Q.47. What is the graduation package?
The graduation package is what you get for your payment. Please read web page: ‘This is What You Get for Your Money!’


Q.48. Can I get a replacement degree if it is damaged?
Yes you can get a replacement degree. If the diploma or documents are damaged in shipping to you they will be completely replaced without cost. If at a later date you damage or lose any documents they maybe replaced. Just reference your student number and the files can be accessed. There will be a charge in this case for replacement documents.


Q.49. Can I get a brochure mailed to my home address?
One of the reasons why fees are kept so low is because we don't waste money on administrative costs. No brochures are produced and printing and mailing costs are saved. Everything is available on the web site. Why print up a brochure of what you can already see online.


Q.50. How can I phone you?
Please no phone calls. Due to our efficient online setup and high volume we have chosen not to engage in routine phone calls. When we did offer phone service, we received to many calls per day and we were not able to get any other work done. So please do not phone us or ask us to phone you. Instead, take a few minutes to read our web site and go through the FAQ. If you have a specific question you could not find the answer to on the web site, then email your question.


Q.51. What countries can you ship to?
. We will ship to any country we can accept a payment from.


Q.52. How do you ship?
Shipping will be by what we decide is the best air service to your country.


Q.53. Is this a good way to get a degree?
For some people it is the only way they will get a degree. You must decide for yourself if this is a good program for you. It is not our intention to sell you on our program or to hype it up. I believe you will agree that we have not added in any of the normal sales hype you usually see. The reason why is because we know our program is not for everyone. We don't want to sell you on it if it isn't right for you. There are some limitations to your PUSIUC University degree. If you especially want a degree to enter a traditional graduate school or if there is specific licensing requirements like in the medical and legal field, you need to confirm if this degree would be accepted. Of course a degree from PUSIUC University has the advantage of being very quick and very low cost. So we ask you to consider this. Are you going to return to college to get your degree? How long will it take you? How much will it cost? We are not trying to compare a degree from PUSIUC to Yale, Harvard, or even your State college. There are different roads for each of us to travel. Do you want to have the journey or just reach your destination?


Q.54. There are other schools with similar programs that say they are accredited?
There is no control on the use of the word accredited. If the school offers a program similar to ours, they are not accredited by an agency that is recognized by the US Department of Education. And unless that accreditation is recognized by US Department of Education, there will be limitations as to the acceptance of the degree. Those limitations include professional license requirements, federal program funding, and traditional graduate school admittance.


Q.55. What guarantee do I have that my degree will be accepted?
We cannot guarantee who will accept your degree. We know there is a high level of acceptance for PUSIUC degrees. But acceptance is not up to us; it is the decision of the other party. If you are honest about how you earned your degree they might not accept it but they will not ignore it either. It is still a testament to your accomplishments. And you have every reason to be proud about it.


Q.56. Is a knowledge of English language necessary for obtain diploma of University located in English speaking country with education process in English language?
Such knowledge will be necessary only if you will request diploma of English language translator. We are making assessment of your professional knowledge only. Such knowledge there was obtained in your native language and you can use translator for translate your CV or resume from your native language.


Q.57. I have a question not answered here?
We ask you to first read all the information. There isn't much not answered somewhere. If you do need to ask a question, please ask a specific question. We are not going to attempt to answer general questions that can be answered by reading the web site. Please send Email to Contact Us.


Q.58. Can I enroll now?
You can enroll now. Please do not forget to send your CV/resume to us by e-mail - our assessment of your resume forms the legal basis of our award to you. Therefore we cannot award your degree without being able to formalize the conversion of your existing knowledge, as demonstrated through your resume.


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