Service 1. Supply for International clients guarantees of reputable US and European Banks in accordance with demands of client's lender institutions (ONLY for loans amount USD 2,000,000 minimum).
The Loan Guarantee Letter supply by Global American Syndicate is widely accepted and preferred by bankers due to the following reasons:
It shall be issued by well established fiduciary in Europe.
In contrast with a normal banking practice using landed properties as collateral, with cash deposit Guarantee as a collateral, there is a possible for the setting up of a funds with the lending bank.
In view of the fact that such Guarantee can be used in place of landed property as collateral, the proposed meant of project financing is very suitable for the following forms of projects:
a) Infrastructure Projects
Hydro or Independent Power Project with power purchase agreement.
Water Treatment Plant with agreement of water purchase.
Air Port, in land port, highway.
Dam etc..
b) Privatized Projects Or Viable Projects Of Private Sector
Housing Project.
Industrial Park Development.
Township Development Project.
Commercial Project.
Factory Refinancing or Development
Cement Plant.
Steel Mill.
Tourism Project.
Resort Development etc..
c) Turn-Key Projects
Medical Center
School and College
Telecommunication Power Transmission Lines/ Cables.
Office Tower etc..
d) Contracted Works (e.g. main contractor)
Housing Project
Township Project.
Office Tower.
Hotel and Commercial Center.
Resort Project.
Shipbuilding etc..
e) Capital Restructure
Taking over a public listed company.
Restructure of capital of own company.
Taking over another company with ready or abandoned projects etc.
Note: Viability and acceptance of each project is subject to the separate and independent assessment and decision of both the Global American Syndicate and the bankers of the loan applicant.
Procedure For obtaining Loan Guarantees Letter is able to arrange cash deposit or other financial instrument for long term loans. The Letter of Guarantee will be for a period often (10) years. The Review Board of the Global American Syndicate must first have the opportunity to evaluate a complete business proposal in English. If approved by the Global American Syndicate Board, the project will be further evaluated by a fiduciary who will arrange to secure prime collateral instruments from a financial institution. If the Global American Syndicate is willing to proceed with the borrower project, it will be necessary for a principal of Global American Syndicate to have telephone discussions directly with the Managing Director on the project. If this individual does not speak English, he must have an interpreter present during this conversation. After the telephone discussion and by mutual agreement, a formal Letter of Intent from the Global American Syndicate along with a copy of the agreement and other documentation will be forwarded to the client. The Letter of Intent from the Global American Syndicate usually have a thirty days (30) period before expiration. Therefore, it will be necessary for the Managing Director of Project to go to USA to sign the Agreement and pay the Processing fee directly to the Global American Syndicate either by bank draft (cashier's check) payable on a US' bank or wire transferred directly to the Global American Syndicate's bank account on or before the expiration date of the Letter of Intent. In the event the Managing Director of Project is not able to travel to USA, it is possible to conclude the transaction by mail.
Note: The Processing Fees Must Be Paid Directly To The Global American Syndicate And Not To Any Other Party. If the Guarantee is not forthcoming in the number of days specified in the signed Agreement, then the Processing Fees will be refunded after direct cost deduction. Direct cost as usually not consist more than 30% of Processing Fee. There is possible 100% Processing fee back if Guarantee not forthcoming as result of negotiation in accordance with business consultant agreement. Upon receipt of the Guarantee Letter to issue a Guarantee by the Global American Syndicate, the documentation will be forwarded directly to the principal by courier. It is the responsibility of the client to supply the lending institution. THE LENDER MAY NOT BE IN THE UNITED STATES. At the time the project is funded, a deposit fund must be established with a banking institution. The deposit fund amount must be enough in accordance with demand of lending institution. The Global American Syndicate is able to structure prime bank or commercial fixed income instruments as security to underpin long term debt fund. These instruments are issued and guaranteed by major UK, European and American Banks as well as fortune 500 Corporations with AA and AAA ratings, and can be in any form that the lending bank requires, such as Bonds, Eurobonds, Government Bonds or their corporate equivalent, according to the terms of the Global American Syndicate offer.
All commissions payable to the Global American Syndicate to be paid simultaneously when the deposit fund is established and the project is funded.
Global American Syndicate will not charge/claim from the applicant on the followings:
Any costs/expenses on hotel, air-fares and any other incidental costs/expenses to be incurred in meeting the applicant for serious detailed discussion and site/project inspection.
Any costs/expenses/charges to be incurred on whatsoever correspondence and communication with the applicant.
Any upfront fee in accordance with any business consultant agreement if client/project will belong to the next list of countries::
Costs & Expenses of Service
Application & Processing of Guarantee
Processing Fees. The minimum charge for the processing fee is USD 60.000. However it increases as the loan requested increases in view of the increase in value of the deposit for Guarantee Letter. It is sometimes refundable without interest if fail to get letter of guarantee of sometimes is refundable after 30% of fees is deducted. Client also must pay 9% interest rate for deposit funds working as collateral for Guarantee Letter.
Very important!!! From 1999 July, 26 all clients will pay processing fee not upfront but only as deduction from received investment (loan) amount!!!
Commission. Commission is subject to discussion with the Global American Syndicate in U.S.A.
When to Pay.
Processing Fees. After meeting with Global American Syndicate in U.S.A.
Very important!!! From 1999 July, 26 all clients will pay processing fee not upfront but only as deduction from received investment (loan) amount!!!
Commission. Will be deducted from the loan released from the bank & paid to the Global American Syndicate by the bank.
Interest rate. To be paid every year when the deposit fund is established and the project is funded.
If you haven't a possible to pay processing fees, please look other approaches.
Whom to Pay to
Processing Fees. Pay directly to the Global American Syndicate.
Very important!!! From 1999 July, 26 all clients will pay processing fee not upfront but only as deduction from received investment (loan) amount!!!
Interest rate. Pay directly to the Global American Syndicate.
In summating the applications, it is essential to enclose the following documents (where relevant):
Agreements (e.g. power purchase agreement, agreement on refinery or purchase of extracted mineral ores, turn key construction agreement, letter of award for privatized projects, agreement on supply of essential raw materials for production etc.).
Certified photo copy of certificate of license/rights in relation to sole agency, sole supplier, patent, trade mark etc.
Certified photo copy of certificate on ISO 9000, ISO 9001 issued by International standard organization (ISO) or its authorized agents.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.
Client must to send three copies of documents in accordance with our request to address specified by Global American Syndicate.
First step of this work must to be signing of Letter of Appointment and Joint-Venture Agreement. Those Agreements are different for different countries with different level of investment risk.
For former USSR countries ( high risk investment countries like Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan etc. and some others countries of former socialist system )- Joint-Venture Agreement.
You can download Application as file. Click here! Or you can copy from this page below.
Application begin here
Complete Business Proposal - General
A) Brief of Company Profile
Name of Company:
E-mail address:
Years In Business: (years of company formation)
Domicile of Company: The company is incorporated/registered in ____________ (country).
Name of Directors:
Position CEO/MD
Trade Reference
Tel / fax / e-mail
Person to contact & position
Bank Reference
Tel / fax / e-mail
Person to contact & position
Equity Structure as at now
Nationality/country of incorporation
Percentage (%)
Please enclose a copy of company profile and resume of board of directors.
Please also enclose a copy of the company profile and resume of director, of the major share-holder or
B) Project Brief
Brief description of project
Proposed Equity / Debt Structure:
Loan needed:
Existing equity / existing available fund of project
New equity / fund to be injected by existing share-holders/owners of project:
Total project costs
Location of project
Estimated gross development value / estimated annual income
Estimated gross development cost / estimated annual expenses
Brief details of development components / Products to be produced / sold
(a) Latest position of project (Briefly describe the latest position of project development.):-
(b) Project development schedule :-
Name of main contractor / supplyer / vendor (if any):...
Scheduled development period:...
Scheduled date of ground-breaking work:...
Please enclose the following items to me(whichever available) :-
i)Location plan of the project; ii)Site and layout plans of the project; iii)Feasibility studies (if any); iv)Brochures or business plan (if available); v)Approval letters from government agencies; vi)Joint venture agreements or related documents; vii)Letter of intent or agreement with contractor / supplyer / vendor; viii)Letter of intent to purchase (e.g. power purchase agreement); ix)Forecasted cash-flow of project; x)Forecasted profit & loss account; xi)Forecasted balance sheet; xii)Letter of intent to provide guarantee (under letter head of company / bank).
C) Loan
Own available funds: USD...
Amount of loan applied: USD...
Total project cost: USD...
Project cost / budgeted use of fund (estimated amount) :-
Yes / No
Name of organization / bank / insurance company
a) Government Guarantee
b) Insurance Guarantee
c) Banker’s Guarantee
d) Financial Guarantee Bond issued by Bank
e) Letter of Credit from Importer
f) Standby Letter of Credit
g) Others (please specify)
Note: Enclose letter of intent or equivalent letter expressing intention to provide guarantee for loan repayment.
Collateral available for interest repayment :-
a) Landed properties
b) The project itself
c) Others (please specify)
Note : Need for collateral is subject to bank’s requirements.
Propose mode of repayment :-
By way of self liquidating sinking fund.
Monthly repayment during the loan duration.
Others (Please Specify)
To service the interest during the loan duration by way of income generated via sales proceeds.
Others (please specify).
Please enclose:
i) Audited balance sheet and profit & loss account of the company for the past 3 years; ii) Revenue forecasts (projections & cash flow analysis) of the project.
D) Joint Venture/Equity Participation
(Y/N) Would not consider proposal on Joint Venture/Equity Participation. (Y/N) Would consider proposal on Joint Venture/Equity Participation.
Terms & Conditions of Joint Venture/Equity Participation
(Y/N) Open for discussion. (Y/N) Subject to negotiation, terms & conditions of Joint Venture/Equity Participation are as follows :-
(Y/N) Maximum quantum (%) of share holding for intending party is ___________ % (Y/N) Intending party is expected to take up ________ % of equity and provide USD _____________ of loan with terms & conditions to be discussed. (Y/N) Intending party is expected to take up ________ % of equity and provide USD _____________ of loan for a period of __________ years where proportionate portion of the nett tangible value of the total assets of the company as at the date of the maturity of the loan will be taken as the value of the shares held by the intending part to be repurchased by the company.
We herewith declare the followings:-
The information / documents given herewith and to be given in the future are true and accurate to our best knowledge. Besides, it is also understood that such documents / materials given by us are non-returnable for reason whatsoever.
We are willing to pay whatsoever fee / cost / commission / charges / levy or others that the intending bank / lending institution / finance company etc may impose in relation to the loan offered as per the letter of offer of loan if the terms and conditions of loan deemed acceptable to us.
We undertake to reply to or to contact the bank / lending institution / joint venture partner / investment company / Raine & Horne International Zaki + Partners Sdn. Bhd. / Global American Syndicate without delay so as to expedite communication.
We undertake to issue a letter instructing the lending bank / lending institution / investment company / venture capital company / investors to pay the commission due as per the provision of the official letter of appointment to be prepared and executed within fourteen (14) working days upon our acceptance of the offer of the lending bank / lending institution / investment company / venture capital company / investors.
In the course of discharging their duties and responsibilities, Raine & Horne International Zaki + Partners Sdn. Bhd. and its directors / staffs and Global American Syndicate and its directors / staff are fully authorized to use / analyze / present / disseminate / disclose the information / documents furnish by us at their discretion and in ways and means deemed fit.
Sign & chop.
Note: This Complete Business Proposal, Business Plan and other project related documents available on Free Drive service site at URL:
For download this info please use User Name:_______________ and Password:_____________________
All documents there are available in Microsoft Word 6.0/95 format only, all graphic files in GIF or JPG format only. For compression of files there was used pkzip or rar software.
Application's the end here
You can download Application as file. Click here! Or you can copy from this page below.
Please note: if you have any problem to upload files to URL you can try other URL If you will you use last URL you must make changes in Complete Business Proposal and indicate this URL. Below there are other websites with the same service you can use also:
At the time the Agreement is signed, the processing fee is payable and the process to secure the Loan Guarantee Letter from a fiduciary is initiated. This task usually takes approximately 30 days but 90 banking days (as stipulated in the Agreement) is provided for.
Upon receipt of the Loan Guarantee Letter, the documentation will be forwarded directly to the principal by courier who, under instruction contained in the Loan Guarantee Letter will submit it to his lending bank (s) for loan processing and disbursement. It is the responsibility of the borrower to supply the lending institution. The lender may not be in the United States.
At the time the project is funded, a deposit fund must be established by Global American Syndicate with a banking institution. The deposit fund amount must be sufficient to enable repayment of the principal amount of the loan if the borrower will be impossible to do it in any reason.
Loan terms are generally dictated by the lending bank, selected by he borrower to fund the loan. The lending bank has the opportunity to request and inspect as acceptable security, prime collateral instruments which are sources through the assistance of a fiduciary.
General terms are:
Maturity. Maturity is ten years.
Interest rate. At prevailing market rates - Negotiated between the borrower and his lender.
Lending Bank. To be appointed by the Borrower.
Security for Principal. Deposit fund.
Security for Interest. Subject to lending bank's requirements.
Processing Fee. Minimum fee is USD60,000 for loan requests from USD500,000 to USD1,000.000 and as the loan amount increases, so will the processing fee. Each project is evaluated individually. The processing fee is not on a set percentage basis and increasing very slowly.
Very important !!! From 1999 July, 26 all clients will pay processing fee not upfront but only as deduction from received investment (loan) amount !!!
The Loan Guarantee Letter is issued for a fixed period of 10 years.
Global American Syndicate can transfer his rights and duties for supply Loan Guarantee Letter for any other parties.
This is most easiest way of collaboration for applicant (client). In accordance with this approach client must be ready to delegate for Global American Syndicate minimum 55% of shares of client's Company for control on period one year with power to buy that quantities of shares. If client is not a Joint Stock Company he must delegate to Global American Syndicate the same power rights. In this case applicant not will be think nothing about guarantees, loans and others related problems. Client must to have only viable business plan in English language and property with total local bank evaluation not less than $100,000 of mortgage price. Intellectual evaluated property is also acceptable. Additional details of this offer applicant will receive as business consulting after paid USD 1,200 as one time consulting fee in accordance with business consultant agreement. For such applicant we are ready to supply loan from USD 500,000 with 6%-18% interest rate for 10 years in accordance with client's business plan. Interest rate is subject of negotiation and depend of country, type of business and others business' characteristics. But will be responsibility of the client to supply collateral for interest repayment only. We are always agree to give for our clients freedom of choice of collateral interest repayment.
Subject to bank's approval, it is not necessary that the development land or project be used as collateral for interest repayment. To save cost and avoid cumbersome of many and repetitive redemption of titles, any uncharged lands or buildings (example, floor areas of a shopping complex leased to supermarket and departmental store) could be used as collateral for interest repayment until the completion of whole development. Afterall, the collateral for principal repayment is extremely good. It is only a collateral for interest repayment. Please note. As main shareholder of your Company we are interested to use all our experience, knowledge and synergy approaches to do best service for you at the lowest costs.
Commissions for business partners and intermediaries.
Global American Syndicate will pay 20% of loan amount as commission for any intermediary successfully promoted our investment proposals (in countries with high risk of investment) and will pay 2% of loan amount as commission for any intermediary from others countries (in countries with low risk of investment) based on Loan Guarantee Letter. If client will be invested without any intermediary he have power to get commission too on self promoted bases.
Please note: Client have to sign, seal and send us two copies of Letter of Appointment before start any procedure indicated above.