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Investment Service anywhere in the World!
International Investment Service also known as International Finance, Joint-Venture, Equity Participation, Financial management, Lending and Venture Funding is the fastest growing segment of the financial industry. It allows everyone anywhere in the world to by-pass the expensive interest rates charged by their local investment companies, banks and make your deal with capital has been got at discounted rates. You can even use our service via Internet from your hotel room or in other places during Business trip - all you need is a Internet connection, computer and Business project (for some types of our services short summary is enough)! So, our offer is described as follow:
International investment via Internet. Low rate long term investments, loans, equity participation, joint-venture, venture capital, sinking fund, AAA rating Bank's guarantees for projects and other collaterals, modern financial products and service and much more. Regional representatives (Independent Investment Consultants) wanted. Work on commission basis without upfront fees for applicants from most countries. Conditions of Financial products and services competitive for any country and for any Business.
For more details please visit our website at:
Agent Business Opportunity
They also let you find out about becoming an agent for us.....it is not as hard as you might think (every company in the World uses the capital in Business activity and everyone likes to save money!) and the sky is the limit if you live in an area of the world (or have friends / relatives that do and working in companies need capital for their projects) that is still subject to high interest rates of local investment companies or / and banks. Most businesses in your area also haven't possible to get loan from local Banking institutions because such clients haven't collateral. Let us provide you with
- Web site
- Advice on marketing from a community around the world of other successful agents
- Low interest rates for your customers.
- Joint-Venture approach & AAA rating Bank Guarantees as collateral for client's project.
For more details please visit our website at: