For represent us any confidential information you must not today speak face to face and must not go to our office in USA. Internet today there is good secure instrument.
Your TOP CONFIDENTIAL information can be provided via e-mail, in thoroughly encrypted form to security.
In order to be able to read and write encrypted messages, it is necessary to install software so called PGP. PGP 6.0.2. can be downloaded at no charge from
Upon installation please e-mail your public key to We need to know your public key so you will be able to read our answers. For 100% guarantee you must locate also your pgp key to public pgp servers and we will verificate your key with key belong to you on PGP public servers. List of PGP public servers you will find inside PGP software indicated above. Our PGP public key you can also download from that public PGP servers, asking Global American Syndicate. You can also download our public PGP key here.
It is one of the most secure method in the World for today. Most Banks today using one for funds transfer purposes and for military purposes.
We also propose more simple and less secure method based on encrypting software. This software you can download for free.
You can use as long password as you need (not only 8 chars !). But you must send us your password. Sending your password you increasing your risk the somebody will collect one when you will transfer via Internet or Fax to our office.
You also can use both softwares and will have 200% guarantee of your security !!! For extra security you can send your Email to the next address:
Please don't send us in encrypted form files without any real confidential content!!!
We look forward to hearing from you.
This article in Russian read here.