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Sugerowane książki na temat CV i życiorysów

  1. 175 High Impact Rйsumйs, Richard Beatty, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 2002.
  2. The Perfect Rйsumй, Tom Jackson, Ellen Jackson, Main Street Books, 1996.
  3. Rйsumйs, Taunee Besson, Perri Capell, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 1999.
  4. Rйsumйs for Better Jobs, Lawrence Brennan, Stanley Strand, Edward C. Gruber, IDG Books Worldwide, 6th Edition, 1994.
  5. The Rйsumй Makeover, Jeffrey Allen, John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
  6. Knock 'Em Dead 2000, Martin Yate, Adams Media Corporation, 1999.
  7. Your Rйsumй: Key to a Better Job, Leonard Corwen, IDG Books Worldwide, 6th Edition, 1996.
  8. AMSA's Student Guide to the Appraisal and Selection of Housestaff Training Programs ­ Fourth Edition, American Medical Student Association, 1990. Available from AMSA, 1902 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191.
  9. Resumes and Personal Statements for Health Professionals, James W. Tysinger, Ph.D., Galen Press, 1999.
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