Terms of Sale
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Terms of Sale Payment Form Dispute Policy Privacy Policy

I understand that my application and payment of fees is subject to the terms and conditions of sale contained herewith in.

  1. The information provided on my application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  2. I have read the degree requirements and believe I qualify for the degree I am applying for.

I further understand that:

  1. United States and International Universities and Colleges will complete the evaluation of my application and undertake other administrative functions.

  2. My degree is being issued by any of United States and International Universities and Colleges at choice of Glob Star Club Ltd or Sierra Business Corporation.

  3. The approval of my degree is based on information that I have provided.

  4. If there is any mistake in the printing of my diploma or documents or if there is any damage in shipping I will receive replacements at no charge.

  5. The diploma and documents are printed for my exclusive use and may not be returned for a refund.

  6. I am not making application with false information or fraudulent intent. I am the person as noted on the application form and I am paying with my own or authorized credit card or other acceptable payment method.

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